Here are my goals for the 2014-2015 school year. I hope that if I write them down now I will be able to reflect back on them during the year.
1. Increase rigor: I baby my students and I need to stop. They need to be challenged!
2. No cellphones: I need to be more strict about cellphones and send them to the office when I see them out.
3. Incorpotate technology: My students need to be prepped for the new SBAC testing and see more online activities.
4. Plan ahead: I may be at the middle school level next year and I need to make sure I am planning in advance for each unit.
5. Spiral assignments: I would like to add problems at the end of homework from the previous chapter so I do not have to review as much at the end of the year.
These 5 goals will get me started without being overwhelmed. Its a good place to start.
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